Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Top 2 Ways to Get Rid of Bad Breath - It's Not What You Think

If you suffer from bad breath then you know that it can be one of the most embarrassing problems to deal with. There are treatments that really help.
Probably the best way to deal with bad breath is to brush your teeth several times a day (remember to floss). When your breath smells its (in 80% of the cases) because you have bacteria in your mouth. These bacteria thrive in a dry mouth and if there's leftovers from your last meal, they are really having a blast. Water cleans your mouth and flush some of those bacteria away. Now you might think of mouthwashes and how they also helps. In most cases, mouthwashes only makes things worse. Yep, that's right. This has something to do with the fact, that in most mouthwashes consists of mostly alcohol, which dries your mouth even more. 

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Home Remedies to Treat Bad Breath - Stop Smelling From Your Mouth!

It is even worse when you can smell your breath because that ruins your whole day! Hopefully, there are home remedies to treat bad breath and after a few years of experience, I can tell you that they all work well!
You cannot have good shiny teeth and most importantly, good breath if you do not do the basics which is brush your e teeth and floss afterwards. 
Now, if you do brush your teeth and your breath still smells bad, here is what you can do: 
Antiseptic Mouthwash: This should be used to help you get rid of your bad breath very quickly because it is made to do that. It can be a spice or a drink that makes them have bad breath. If you look closely from a mirror, you will see that there are some white things on your tongue, well that is filth that should be brushed off because it makes you have bad breath. This can be done right after you brush and rinse your mouth with antiseptic mouthwash. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Bad Breath Test - Ways on How to Self Test For Bad Breath

Do you have bad breath (halitosis)? To really know whether if you suffer from bad breath, try the following tests and find out if you have bad mouth odor.
If you notice that the very back of your tongue is whitish, it may be a sign that you have bad mouth odor.
If you smell a bad odor, you may have bad breath.
If you can smell an odor from a distance, it would be a good indicator of the level of odors that other people might detect when talking with you.
If the cotton swab also produce a yellowish stain after you wipe your tongue, it's likely you have a high concentration of volatile sulfuric compounds (VSC), an indicator of chronic bad breath.
Need help to get rid of bad breath fast? Discover how to stop bad breath and have clean, fresh breath every day for the rest of your life... with The Bad Breath Report - The Definitive guide on cures for bad breath using simple, household ingredients.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

How to Stop Bad Breath In 4 Refreshing Steps

Do you secretly fear that your breath is making people gag? Well you can stop the paranoia right now.
Step 1: Scrape your tongue
The first source of a rotten mouth is a tongue smothered in festering bacteria. If your tongue is fuzzy white, you can bet that that layer of filth is making your breath hideous.
Step 2: Gargle with diluted hydrogen peroxide twice a day
After you scrap off those bacteria, you can mix one part water with one part hydrogen peroxide and gargle with it for 45 seconds. The hydrogen peroxide gets real foamy in your mouth, but it helps to kill the excess bacteria that make your breath stink.
Don't overdo the hydrogen peroxide though.
Step 3: Eat foods that make your breath smell better
There's a ton of food you can eat to make your breath smell better. Drink teas like peppermint, Moroccan mint, jasmine, hibiscus and lemon balm to freshen up your mouth. Add fresh foods like ginger, parsley, cilantro and scallions to your meals. Eating them raw helps restore the natural balance of colon bacteria, which ultimately leads to fresher breath.
Step 4: Empty your colon
If your colon is a filthy overcrowded cesspool, your breath will stink on an astronomical scale. Eating bran will help you cleanse your colon. Now, stop making people dizzy and start making them smile with your newfound methods for fearlessly fresh breath.
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